WebAssistant - Proxy Offline Browser is a neat trick. By passing all your web traffic through MM3-WebAssistantWebAssistant, you instantly and transparently build a copy of all the pages you visit - so they're yours to surf offline whenever you like. There's no difference Between surfing the web and surfing your archive; you can even use your bookmarks or search your pages offline when you don't have a network connection. When online the proxy updates your cached web pages and adds new pages automatically. This feature distinguishes the utility from most other offline browsers.
Basic Features
* Automatically archive all pages visited.
* Accelerates in the web online browsing or updates the archive.
* No difference between on- and offline browsing.
* Browse also offline with your Bookmark and Favoriten collection.
* Browse original hierarchy of downloaded pages.
* Links to resources of cache archives are marked for quick navigation.
* Compare HTML pages from internet and archive. The changes are highlighted.
* Topic-specific archiving of web pages. MM3-WebAssistant is powered by Java
* Archives can be shared across multiple machines (and OS).
* Burn a site (or many sites) to CD for backup or archive.
* Supports the protocols HTTP and FTP.
* Caches the domain and IP address (DNS) for speedy web access.
* Available on many operating systems through the use of Java[TM] technology.
* Operating Systems: Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista, Linux, Unix, Solaris, OS/2, Mac OS X.
* Supplied with a detailed documentation, scenarios, tutorial and free e-mail support.
Additional Features of Professional Edition
* Search all the pages you visit:
o Keywords are highlighted in pages you search.
o No more trawling through search engines for a page you have already seen.